Memorial Benches and Trees
Create a Living Memorial through the Westchester Parks Foundation Tree
Trust and Memorial Bench Program
Westchester Parks Foundation offers a unique opportunity for you to honor or memorialize a special person by making a contribution in their name. Pay tribute to someone you love, commemorate an event, or celebrate a friend or family member through the gift of a tree or bench in their honor.
By making a donation to the fund, you are not only supporting the WPF, but you are taking an active role in preserving and protecting Westchester’s forests, parks and trails, enhancing public gardens and providing horticultural programs that are offered in county parks.
There are two way to memorialize some one in your local park system: Trees and Benches
How does the process work?
Step 1: Contact eric@thewpf.org or 914-231-4600. We will tell you about the program and help you decide between a Tree or a Bench.
Step 2: The next step is to walk the park. If needed the Parks Department staff will work with you to determine an ideal location for your tree or bench. On your walk, you will find a location that feels right for your tree or bench. You may find an area that has an available existing bench or an available existing tree that is ready for adoption. Or, you may find an open space that would be perfect for a new bench or tree. Once you determine the Park, the location, existing or new Tree or Bench, The Westchester Parks Foundation will work with The Westchester County Parks Department for approval.
Step 3: Once your location for your new or existing tree or bench has been approved, send the payment along with the wording for your plaque. When the payment is processed the wording will be sent to the plaque manufacturer and your new tree or bench will be ordered. The plaque manufacturer will create a digital mockup of your plaque and will be sent to you for approval or edits via email. If approved, simply sign it and return it as instructed and it will be ordered. If edits are needed, it will be sent back to the plaque manufactured with your edits and repeated until the plaque wording is approved by you.
How should I make my payment?
You can pay by Credit Card or Checks can be written out to Westchester Parks Foundation and mailed to:
Westchester Parks Foundation
104 Smith Avenue
Mount Kisco, NY 10549